A look at Quest’s new Magic Pins, coming soon

The first in a new line of accessories

Nov 18, 2020

Hello, adventurers!

We’re pleased to announce that we’re planning to add a bunch of accessories to our product lineup in the next year. The first of these are Magic Pins! We’re starting with nine pin designs, each representing one of Quest’s roles (including one new logo for The Guide).

Each pin will cost $9.99 and will be available when we launch our new website and re-open our store in December.

We’ll add to this lineup over time, including pins for some of our amazing treasure items. And we’ll listen to feedback from folks about new products they’d like to see from us.

Here’s a look at the new gear!

The Fighter and The Magician sit on a black denim jacket.
The Guide and The Naturalist sit on a black denim jacket.
The Invoker
The Ranger
The Naturalist
The Doctor
The Spy
The Magician
The Wizard
The Guide




Written by Quest

The official blog for the Quest roleplaying game

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